Chain Judger

Today I had a wonderful talk with someone I used to be very close to. It was nice to just lie there sprawled across the bed chatting, it was comfortable, it felt so... naturally normal. But some of the things I heard shocked me, and made me down right frustrated.

Now, this blog is all about the way I view my life, the lives I see, and life in general. I put out my opinions, but I do recognize other opinions, and I try my very hardest not to judge people based on their different opinions. But sometimes, I just want to judge.

I want to judge, because someone else judged, and it's this big nasty chain of judging each other. It all started when someone judged someone I feel close to for this person's very personal choices. I won't get into details, but yes, in a nut shell... it was ridiculous.

It made me think about how judging really is a chain. If someone judges me, I feel the need to make a snap decision about them and judge them right back. When someone judges someone I know, the exact same thing happens. It's like that song, she only smokes when she drinks... well I only judge when I'm judged... and that's simply pathetic; yet so simply human.

I hate the idea that I'm putting on my judgy pants in haste when I don't fully know why that person made the judgement. I may not agree with it, but what if the person is so emotionally connected to the situation, and no one else sees that. I need to take off my judgy pants and realize... I'll never fully understand another person's perspective... because I don't have the ability to ride the magic school bus into someone's brain.

Chain Judging must be stopped, but it has to start with myself. My judgy pants are off.


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