Love is why I live. Love, for that matter, is why we all live.
Now, I am not a crazy romantic, I never have been. I don't find myself watching Pride and Prejudice and crying every weekend, not that I do not love that movie. Every self respecting woman loves a good Jane Austen novel turned into a movie, it's just part of our genes. Not only do we get to swoon over the words of Mr. Darcy but we get to see his hot bod walk across screen while he yearns for his love. Ah, Mr. Darcy is the perfect man... Okay that is beside the point, moving on.
The facts are, life is not complete without love. I of course love musicals, and dresses, and sundays reading fashion magazines, but of course what I love above my strange obsessions or passions, are the people in my life. Love for a friend, love for family, or the ultimate, love for your partner are the most important loves we have.
I am lucky enough to be 19 and know what love feels like. I know some people may call me a silly girl, say I'm to young to feel love, but I do. I know what it feels like in best friends and in boyfriends. I am truly lucky to have found love in the perfect boy and the perfect best friends.
When being in love it's important to let the other person know how you feel. Not with flowers, or expensive gifts, but with truth and honesty. And lately, I've really realized how important knowing that your love is reciprocated is.
This is why.... well, from my perspective this is why.
There is a point when dating someone that the honey moon period goes away. The point where you feel like you are no longer swooned over. The point where you stop having people tell you, " oh he is so smitten with you"... and it feels like utter crap. The excitement goes and you feel doubtful that people still feel the same way about you, when it's 3 am at least. Yeah, 3 am is about right, the time when our brains turn to mush and we let our minds take flight. But being in a long distance relationship magnifies that. Not only are you no longer swooned over, but you are no longer getting calls all the time, no longer getting "I miss you's" all the time and just no longer getting the attention everyone in love craves. And when you are in a long distance relationship, you already get less attention than the average couples give each other. And let's face it, living in the same country or different countries, we all crave love.
It's truly important that people know we still love them, because love is what we live for. Love is what I live for. I love the people around me, and I want them to know. I never want someone to feel the way I do lately, I want people to know how important they are to me everyday. Because it is important they know, actually it's so important they know.
So just so you know, I am still utterly in love with you. I am still completely smitten with you everyday. I still think you are the perfect man for me. I still am in awe of how handsome you are, even when I pout about your facial hair. I still get giddy when I think about you and get a goofy grin when you smile at me or kiss me. And I still can't wait for what's to come with you, you are just about the only thing in my life so far that I've had the patience for. It's important to me that you know that I still love you, and even if our honeymoon period is over, I'm still weak at the knees for you. It's important you know that.
Love is not only why I live, it's why we all live... so let's show people that. I have just come to this conclusion, and I think it's one of the most important things I've thought of.
Let's love and be loved my friends. : )