So, now that i have an hour until work and half of my wardrobe on my papasan chair I decided to sit down and write about something I think maybe be of immediate importance in this world, right this very minute.
Okay, get this. If you go on a "stumble" spree you may run across many social sites that connect you with either a bunch of people or one single person sitting somewhere else in the world. The first time I stumbled on one, I hesitantly pushed the "start" button, wondering if a sex offender was sitting on the other side. Well, in fact, he might have been. But after a few tries I began to get more comfortable, I was able to sit down and say hello without getting nervous... okay well I still got a little nervous, but that's just me. Now, after talking to many great people on there with similar view points and ideas or completely different views and ideas I realized something. I have absolutely no clue what is right or wrong for anyone, because no matter what, no one else knows what is truly right or wrong for me. So I stopped judging the people sitting on the other side of the screen asking for nude pictures, and just let them be. I didn't have to partake, but I didn't have to be rude and say awful things to them either. I just let them be.
I try not to judge people, I try not to gossip, I try to be a good person, but sometimes I think back on things I've said and realize I was being a complete closed minded idiot. Does that ever happen to you? I mean even small comments or snickers that I think, man I wish those words wouldn't have come out of my mouth. I've realized that when people do things we may not love, that doesn't mean they made a bad choice or a wrong choice, just different. And the great thing is, different choices are what make it so completely interesting to meet new people.
Meeting someone who is exactly like you, who thinks like you, likes the same things, wants the same things, gets so very old so very fast. It's the differences in people that make conversation exciting, that make sharing new experiences exciting. So we need to celebrate our differences, even in the little things.
I just needed to remind myself of that and thought I would write it down to share. Let's embrace our different choices, whether we all agree with them or not.
P.S.- This is no way condones the choices such as taking someone's rights or basic human rights away. That's a whole other can of worms that can't be opened without shooting myself in the foot.