Ugly Katie.

There are things that each of us dislike about ourselves. From a little extra fat on the inside of our thighs or the way we crack under pressure or the way we look in a mirror. We find in ourselves the worst faults, worse than anyone else could see in us.

As a person who has struggled with self image issues in her past, and like everyone else always has little woes, I know what it feels like to completely loath yourself for something. We are many of us guilty of finding our ugly selves more often than we find our beautiful selves.

Ugly Katie stares back at me some mornings in the mirror, and to shake her off takes quite a bit of work. She's controlling, emotional, unattractive looking, and when I see her my stomach drops. Some days Ugly Katie never goes away, somedays we all just feel Ugly.

The thing we all have to realize is, we have to constantly keep ourselves in check. Constantly make sure we are being the best person we can be, helping out the global community just by loving those around us. But to love those around us, we honestly have to love ourselves. Because when I am Ugly Katie, I think the world thinks of me as Ugly Katie, and that really makes it hard to love them back. To see those around us with clarity we must view ourselves with some sense of it as well. We are to biased to make such harsh and rash judgements upon ourselves because we are to eager to jump to negative conclusions.

I mean we are always all going to have Ugly days. Days where it seems impossible to not cry or scream at someone; and more importantly it seems impossible to feel beautiful( and I don't necessarily mean physical beauty) and love ourself. But the only way to feel beautiful is to learn to fight through the Ugly days. To learn to combat your inner Ugliness with love and appreciate yourself and those around you.

If we ever want to fully love those around us and ourselves we can't let the Ugly version of ourselves take us over, we have to fight for our beauty everyday. We have to fight to be the version of ourself that makes us happiest. And while we will always want to loose 5 pounds or become better at being a lover or make the people around us happier, we also have to always know how to kick that negative feelings and combat the ugly.

It's up to yourself to decide how to fight off your personal Ugly. But I'll have you know, once you fight it off life can really be beautiful.

No amount of praise from people will change the way we view ourselves, it's up to me to not be Ugly Katie.


May 21, 2010 at 5:48 AM Callum Badger said...

you are a Beautiful Katie

May 21, 2010 at 1:33 PM alaina said...

I REALLY love this post. I love practically all of your posts but this one really stood out to you have a gift with putting your feelings into words!
Thanks for these beautiful thoughts...I know i need to love myself more...and encourage myself more, so that I can love and encourage others! I'm way too good at being down on myself, which really, at the end of the day doesn't help anyone or anything!

May 23, 2010 at 12:45 PM Christine Marie said...

I can fight her off. . . . the only problem is that she comes back

I want to print this out and put it on my wall for when I forget to fight off the ugly.

You're beautiful, dear. Thanks for sharing this.

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