Justice aka Revenge

I never write on here anymore, because I don't really feel a need to any more... as strange as that sounds. But right now, I feel more compelled than ever to write.

On a night when millions of americans are in the streets chanting U-S-A and celebrating the death of Osama Bin Laden, I feel remorseful. I've of course made jokes tonight and quoted team america and watched wide eyed at Obama's speech but over all I feel very uncomfortable. Facebook is filled with statuses of excitement and joy and satisfaction and I feel so torn. To celebrate the death of any person seems unbelievably wrong yet I know that killing him had to be done... there is no other way to stop someone who simply uses terror and death for power. I know that it isn't morally wrong to be celebrating- people are feeling that justice has been served.... but for religious extremists, they are thinking the same thing when we are harmed... justice. Why do we have to use death as a means of feeling like a chapter is closed or that justice has been served? If humans are ever going to get a long and stop the endless cycle of killing maybe the whole concept of justice needs to be thrown out, two wrongs certainly don't make a right. But then again, I can't bring myself to call the killing of bin laden wrong but I also can't bring myself to call the mass celebration of death as right...

9/11 was a horrible day but it's over now and we have to move on and stop trying to seek justice. Trying to stay safe is one thing but seeking something that is simply just a nicer name for revenge fails to help humans and will ultimately separate us all once more.

It is not human nature to do these things, we are an under determined species- these things have been taught. We need to stop teaching the myth that revenge or justice will bring happiness.


May 16, 2011 at 1:16 PM Christine Marie said...

Amen. Seriously. I'm glad someone else feels the same way I do

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