The 4th kind... of nonsense.

( Apparently Sedona, AZ has Alien problems as well... actually the man who owns this store is really amazing, and when I started talking with him he showed me off the map "vortexes", hiking places, and swimming holes, that aren't full of tourists! Shout out to him for marking up my map with really natural and unique spots that I love to go to of the beaten path.)

So tonight we all decided to go see The 4th Kind... the new thriller movie that is supposedly based on a true story. Right- so ever since the blair witch project everyone has been trying to create these "real" footage movies, and they just always end up being a complete bust. I thought Paranormal Activity was awful, just awful and I wasn't scared a bit! When I pay 7 $ to see a movie late a night, I want to be nervously alarmed all night and sleeping in a bed with multiple people in my situation... let's be honest here... it's a thrill high! Well this movie was in fact brilliant!

I really enjoyed it, and while I was watching it I definitely did my ritual of covering my ears while closing my eyes and trying to grasp the hand of the person next to me whilst curled up in my chair...I was well... scared. I was thoroughly satisfied walking out at midnight from my movie, all of us girls freaking each other out more and laughing at the same time just general silliness going on. So we came back to the dorms where we are all sleeping way was I sleeping in my bed alone in my own room right? Well, on my thrill high I of course wanted to look up just how much of this story was legitimately based on a true story. Which of course led to...disappointment as it always does.

The "doctor" whose accounts this story is based on, who took the "real" footage...she doesn't exist. The website you will find her on is not a legitimate medical website and there is no home page or contact information... it has been proven a ploy to get people to go see the movie. the words of Borat...not. Not that I have ever believed in aliens... but I mean... I was open to the idea of it tonight! What a shame hollywood!

But, I imagine we really don't need to be bothered by things like aliens in this world... when we have humans doing these horrid things to each other on their own. From murders to abductions( of the human variety) people are killing themselves and creating their own unsolved crimes without the help of ET. So I suppose it's a good thing that we don't have to add aliens on top of that. In fact, I am pretty sure that is a really good thing.

I love horror films that are about these strange bizarre happenings because I know in the back of my mind that an alien isn't going to sneak into my room tonight, but twisted movies such as SAW don't scare me....they fucking terrify me. Excuse my profanity, but honestly- there is no other way to describe how afraid I am of just how strong humans are on their own- and just how twisted they can be. Now, I am in no way cynical and believe that we are all evil beings controlled by satan, but the facts are there are people out there with serious problems who are capable of seriously evil acts because of the free will we all have as a natural human right.

I don't let this fear control me, but when I watch films or footage on the news it affects me, it definitely affects me. I can in no way numb myself to the horrid things that go on around us in this world, but I can in no way let them control my views on people either. I may love a good horror film, but I will never love a gore film filled with human suffering and fear at it's worst... and I admire all those who can in a way. I try so hard to separate myself from what is going on in the film... but I can't seem to not feel what the character is feeling. Maybe it's because acting has played a role in my life( pun intended and noted) or maybe it's that I'm a softy- but I have a hard time not feeling for someone in a film. I know that I need to detach myself but in those twisted films- I can't.

SO moral of the night is... I know my limits. I know that I can enjoy a scary movie but I know that I can also not tolerate blood( which in it of itself I can not handle) and human horror. Also I am very glad we don't actually have to worry about aliens, because humans are quite enough. AND- go see the 4th kind- it was a pretty radical movie... just don't look up facts afterwords it will really kill your thrill high... enjoy the buzz. : )


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