I'm Just Kidding...no, but seriously...

How many of you have ever said something slightly offensive and rude( yet true in your mind) only to follow it with "I'm just kidding"! The room bursts into laughter, the person your speaking to chuckles, you chuckle...but in reality... what you said was sort of mean... and you sort of weren't kidding. I really hope I am not the only one, I mean let's face it, sometimes we say offensive things.

Now first off let me preface this with the fact that I don't really get offended easily because I try not to take things in life to seriously, there is just no time for that! And I'll also admit that sometimes I forget to filter what I am saying, which is probably because my attention span is that of a 3 year olds. But I will say, that I am trying to consciously catch myself from pulling the "just kidding" card lately, since I realized I have done it often in life. How often do you give that phrase as a way of getting away with saying something rude? How often do you use "just kidding" as a scape goat?

Sometimes I think we feel the need to spill out a joke of harsh nature either just for attention, we are feeling bad on ourselves that day, or we simply just aren't thinking about what we are saying and things on our mind come out. But either way, we shouldn't be able to easily be obnoxious just because we follow it up with "just kidding!" I mean, honestly! We can not make ourselves feel less guilty just because we said two silly words! I think to really solve this problem, we need to learn to handle the truth better in life and move on.

We are always going to be put off by the way some people act, by their habits, by their attitudes, by whatever it may be but we need to learn to not just keep it bottled in. Now, we also don't need to go crazy on someone and explain everything we dislike about them. The real solution lies in acceptance. We need to accept that people are going to rub us the wrong way and what not-simply because we are all people. We all get on each other's nerves.... c'est la vie everyone! We need to learn to accept this and not hold onto these little peeves and then let them come out in a "joke."

Let's accept that we are all people, and not say awful things that we turn into jokes... because in reality it is a bit immature...and I don't mean that in the fun immature way where we all like to act like children now and again....but that oh wow he needs to grow up already kind of way. Although let me also say I am in no way against friendly banter and laughs at all, I love to laugh and be immature now and again! Let's just not sort out truths in our heads in the form of a joke!

I myself am going to consciously stop using the "just kidding" phrase, join me?


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