Snuggle up to your self!

If you live inside the continental United States, or have walked into a walgreens/walmart/any other awful chain store- you have definitely heard of... The Snuggie.

It's epic. It's one of those things that VH1 is going to talk about on an "I love the 2000's" segment in years to come... something we can all look back on and say "yeah! That was so 2009!LOL"( Oh dear, I hope I never utter the letters l-o-l, that would be a sad sad day in Katie's world!) Anyways, The Snuggie comes in colors, it comes in sizes from adult to children to dog... but most importantly... it's got the most ridiculous and sugary sweet commercials to happen here in the good ol' USA since the Welch's grape juice kid. These commercials even top the babies sitting in the high chairs giving out insurance advice, or the rubbish "bump its" commercials for plastic pieces that girls can put in their hair to get that ever so lovely stiff and bumped look on their head... because we all want to look as though there is a growth or a tumor poking out of our skull, it's a sign of beauty at Arizona State University, that's for darned sure! Yes, as more snuggies come out, more ridiculous over the top commercials come out to promote The Snuggie! Snuggie has found a way to really sell it's product, it has embraced this goofy and stupid idea of wearing a bath robe backwards. People buy them just because of how silly they are! What a great way to make money!

How smart was Snuggie( I'm going to talk as if Snuggie is a person), Snuggie worked what he got! And that is when I realized. We should all work what we've got going for us... even snuggie!

I'll be the first to admit I'll never be the sexy and sultry woman who rocks her black jimmy choos with red leather soles... I am forever doomed to be the short cutesy 19 year old with a braid pinned back into waves and dresses and flowers and lace socks and red pea coats! But don't worry, I am turning that frown upside down! Let me tell you the advantages I have in life, that I work.

The puppy dog eyes... yeah they work well in a multitude of situations and can solve my worst problems. Hiding in small places... useful if someone is after me or I just don't want to be found And the fact that I will look young probably for forever is probably the best advantage! I mean, I've got youth on my side! Proof,that we all can work what we've got, if I can! So what do you have going on your side? See the positives in who you are!

Let's learn to be satisfied with what or who we are! There is no use for me to sit around and contemplate wearing a black leather mini with stilettos. I quite like my plaid mini dresses anyways! I am content with who I am, and like snuggie I am going to sell who I am to the world. Let's do it together wonderful people.

Let's snuggle up to who we are... instead of a backwards robe sold for 20 bucks.


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