Epic Poem versus Love

Well I'm procrastinating... there is nothing I'd rather do right now that not do my paper on Gilgamesh. Don't get me wrong, I love Sumer and Gilgamesh... what's not to love about an Epic poem which focuses on death and corpses being eaten by bugs? Okay, so there is far more to it than than that. But really, it's not what I'd like to be thinking about right now. So I'm going to instead write about something fantastically indulgently happy.

Valentines Day.

Now, I know that valentines day is kind of a taboo phrase. When said out loud it evokes eye rolls or eye glitzes. There are always the people who love it and the people who would rather bite their arms off than give into this corporate created greeting card holiday. Now I've never really been on either of those sides, I love holidays but valentines day has never really meant much to me. But this year I realized something... this year I will actually be in the same country as my boyfriend on a day that is all about indulging yourself in love. So needless to say, I got a little excited when I realized this.

I've decided that this year, I will celebrate and I will indulge and evoke eye rolls and I will enjoy it all while wearing a fabulous outfit. I mean hey, when is there a better time to put on a silk blouse and some sky high wedges? No other day, I say! But I also decided I wouldn't go over board and just jump into the deep end. No thoughtless presents and store written cards, just a nice night out with someone I love.

I've decided valentines day is all about balance. Enjoying a day devoted to love is such a well, lovely idea. Be it with friends you love or an actual lover or just indulging yourself because you love yourself! But it's important to balance it and not let all the heart shaped pillows in target go to your head, even though they are incredibly appealingly cute!

So buy yourself a new top from you're favorite shop! Meet your best friends for drinks and chocolate covered strawberries! Take your petite amie for a nice night out and give her an excuse to pull out the heels! Just do things you love, on a day dedicated to love.

So Happy Early Valentines Day, may it be filled with love.


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