Much like deformation, adultation is something that we don't understand until the process begins. We pray in 4th grade that we will one day develop the body all the goddess twenty year olds in their mini skirts have with teased hair and red nails, then we reach that age and hate our curves while we straighten our hair. We hope that when we are finally allowed to drive our own cars that we will get to drive around with our hair down singing Britney songs with fresh lip gloss on our lips, then we get stranded on a highway with a flat tire or run out of gas in the middle of the desert. Everything seems so damn glamorous... until adultation begins.
Adultation, mutation, deformation, they are all similar. They are all changes that we shouldn't have to go through in life... but all of us have to go through adultation... not a choice folks. Adultation is when we start deciding to make choices literally on our own, whether they upset people or not. That means, maybe it was okay to switch a grade from a D to an A ( as seen on every sitcom, such as Full House), but when you are older, it's not as cute. We get to choose when honesty is important, when being on our own is important, when needing people is okay, when realizing our flaws is okay, when accepting that we have issues we need to work through is okay, and realizing that at the end of the day... it's okay! We have to be able to laugh at adultation while we take it seriously.
We may become "dependents" for the first time or finally learn a lesson after a pattern of failures, but either way as real as the choices are.... we have got to notice not how "small" everything in the big scheme is. But that everything we do is going to affect us, so we might as well embrace it, and laugh, and learn, and move on! I hate that saying... "it's really not that big of a deal in the whole scheme"... because these choices are, and every choice is a very big deal.
Everything in adultation affects us, so here I go, I am plunging into the depths of being an "adult"( how taboo is that word?). I am undergoing adultation, it's painful, but I'm going to get through it, because I know the way to survive.
Experience, Learning, and loving- the only ways to make it out of adultation alive.
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