When ever the holidays come around people tend to start singing songs about Jesus. Not only do they start singing songs about Jesus, but they start praising Jesus...out of the blue. I know I do it, as moronic as that makes me. I love some of the Christmas songs, but come on... just because I am in the mood to watch "The Little Drummer Boy" is it really time for me to start praising something I don't believe in?
Let me over think for a second here...
Now, I have read my fair share of the Bible, and I think it is a great literary work. I think it's something everyone should read- because it's the number one alluded to book in the world- not because I believe Jesus turned water to wine. I know there are records of Jesus and blah... blah... I get it. I am not saying these people didn't exist. But here is my argument:
For example ever read The Epic of Gilgamesh? Yeah, well it's the exact creation story in the Bible... written way before the Bible during Sumerian times! So how is it that the Bible has claims to this story? Why is the story a Biblical story... because at first it wasn't. The facts are, the stories in the Bible are just like fairy tales. They are stories that come in many shapes and sizes with the same over all messages in almost every culture, just like all the fairy tales we grow up with. They are lovely, and well written, and magical, and sometimes inspirational, but they are just that- well, to me they are just that. But here is my argument to my own argument:
If these stories have been told over continents and time... maybe they are real? Maybe the stories are legitimate they have just been tweaked because of the different points of views and cultures that documented them... maybe right? Who am I to say these stories aren't based on truth?
I guess the facts are, it all really boils down to faith. Whether a person wants to put faith in these stories or the ideas of them. That's what religion is, faith. It isn't facts and it isn't stories and it isn't the people who run the church or monastery or whatever Holy house of worship- it's the people who decided to look to the East at the same time everyday, the people who confess their sins to God, the people who take an epic journey to Mecca; it's the people who put their entire beings into their faith. And while of course that causes turmoil in our world, it is a beautiful thing in the end. To choose to believe in the power of something, it's simply wonderful.
If we can believe in "love" as a power, or "fear" why can't we believe in "God" as a power or "Buddah" or "Allah"( Yes I know I am not supposed to say his name, just bear with me- I hope I didn't offend anyone) they are all just words aren't they? Okay, I'll get into the power of words in another post, but you get my point, the words don't mean as much as the value in this situation. So in the end, what I think of someone's religion should bear no weight on how that person views their own religion.
I believe faith to be one of the most personal things, be it faith in the stock market, faith in religion, or faith in love. All in all, we put ourselves into different things, and what we choose to put our faith in, is up to us. So sing your christmas carols and enjoy the stories, and take them for what they are. But, choose your faith and let it have a positive influence on your life.
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