Snuggle up to your self!
It's epic. It's one of those things that VH1 is going to talk about on an "I love the 2000's" segment in years to come... something we can all look back on and say "yeah! That was so 2009!LOL"( Oh dear, I hope I never utter the letters l-o-l, that would be a sad sad day in Katie's world!) Anyways, The Snuggie comes in colors, it comes in sizes from adult to children to dog... but most importantly... it's got the most ridiculous and sugary sweet commercials to happen here in the good ol' USA since the Welch's grape juice kid. These commercials even top the babies sitting in the high chairs giving out insurance advice, or the rubbish "bump its" commercials for plastic pieces that girls can put in their hair to get that ever so lovely stiff and bumped look on their head... because we all want to look as though there is a growth or a tumor poking out of our skull, it's a sign of beauty at Arizona State University, that's for darned sure! Yes, as more snuggies come out, more ridiculous over the top commercials come out to promote The Snuggie! Snuggie has found a way to really sell it's product, it has embraced this goofy and stupid idea of wearing a bath robe backwards. People buy them just because of how silly they are! What a great way to make money!
How smart was Snuggie( I'm going to talk as if Snuggie is a person), Snuggie worked what he got! And that is when I realized. We should all work what we've got going for us... even snuggie!
I'll be the first to admit I'll never be the sexy and sultry woman who rocks her black jimmy choos with red leather soles... I am forever doomed to be the short cutesy 19 year old with a braid pinned back into waves and dresses and flowers and lace socks and red pea coats! But don't worry, I am turning that frown upside down! Let me tell you the advantages I have in life, that I work.
The puppy dog eyes... yeah they work well in a multitude of situations and can solve my worst problems. Hiding in small places... useful if someone is after me or I just don't want to be found And the fact that I will look young probably for forever is probably the best advantage! I mean, I've got youth on my side! Proof,that we all can work what we've got, if I can! So what do you have going on your side? See the positives in who you are!
Let's learn to be satisfied with what or who we are! There is no use for me to sit around and contemplate wearing a black leather mini with stilettos. I quite like my plaid mini dresses anyways! I am content with who I am, and like snuggie I am going to sell who I am to the world. Let's do it together wonderful people.
Let's snuggle up to who we are... instead of a backwards robe sold for 20 bucks.
Don't nobody bring me, no bad news!
Now let's get one thing straight first off, I am a happy person. And I don't let things get to me, I mean, why would I? When circumstances arise that are beyond your control, why let them ruin your day? Life is far to short for that, and far to exciting! But today was not so good, I mean let the bad times roll type day.
Now again, I am not sitting here wailing and spoon feeding myself nutella or anything, I am just frustrated, and anymore bad news would really make me seriously consider ripping this desktop dell in front of me out of it's cord and hurling it across this room of crappy dell computers into all the girls who managed to look real cute today sitting near me, while I managed to look like a homeless person who rolled out of bed...or a cardboard box. Okay, bad idea, I really don't need two broken computers in my life right now, I can't even afford one.
Days like these are not meant to be spent trying to accomplish the pile of anthropology homework in front of me, they are meant to be spent in bed- hoping that tomorrow will come faster than the bill from the broken computer while hiding myself from the big bad world under my down comforter and wrapping my body around my body pillow.
So what can we do on days like these other than wish that our computers aren't broken, our rooms aren't messy, exams aren't coming up, and our bank account isn't declining at a noteworthy pace? Well, I'll tell you! We forget about it, and go do something absolutely goofy or ridiculous...because why waste a day wallowing! I am done being a's taking to much energy from me!
The best thing about life, is that we get to choose to be happy! Even on days when my macbook is broken, therefore causing the only communication I have with some important people to be ruined, I can choose to be happy! So for all of you out there having days just about as miserable as me, snap out of it!
We are only going to be happy if we choose it, so choose it already! Things will always go wrong in life! Now, I am not going to use the phrase... "things could always be worse" right here for two reasons. 1. When that is said, things do get worse. 2. Because what is happening to someone else is completely irrelevant to what someone else is feeling when something happens to them. The situations can't be compared...nor should they be!
So come on lovelies, let's be happy. : )
P.S.- Who in the world made dells so hard to use?
War & Vegetarianism.
As I laid in bed, beginning to doze off under my snug and toasty comforters surrounded by my eclectic variety of smooth and soft pillows I read the statement up above, and immediately became attentive. Okay, this quote really has nothing to do with the book- nor does it actually have any relevance other than the fact that I immediately thought to myself... Yeah! Good point historical fiction novel!
When I answer the ever popular question of... "why in the world do you not eat meat... are you insane?" I like to give the person who is scowling at me a big ol' smile and say... "well why do you eat meat?" I then go into a short and well performed informative speech on how I am absolutely not a crazy PETA protester( however amusing they may be), but I do think gnawing on flesh and fat is absolutely disgusting. The person then makes a grimace at me completely put off by my word choices of gnawing & flesh and I think to myself... yeah that grimace is how I feel when I see you taking a chunk out of animal carcass!
Now, I am a firm believer in every man for himself, as long as it isn't having a negative affect on those around you. So, if you eat meat, I am not going to start yelling at you nor debating the fact that meat gives protein and iron and it's part of the circle of life and blah, blah, blah... But, I will just say now, I run every day and work out and lead a very active life... and I do it all without meat! And, no I am not wonder woman, well maybe I am but that's beside the point, tons and tons of people lead incredibly active and healthy lives without eating meat! That's pretty exciting- it can be done!
The trick is, to go into vegetarianism full heartily and just jump in. I was on and off for a while before I actually got the hang of it, so just do it already!
Here are my tips and tricks for those of you out there who want to stop waging war on animals...
1. Take an iron tablet- no questions asked...just do it. Lack of iron in your blood can cause serious problems so yeah, take an iron supplement!
2. Calcium is extremely important, and the more of it you have... the more your body absorbs iron! Eating things like spinach( yum), broccoli (yummiest), and even sun flower seeds will give you more calcium in your diet! Fantastica!
3. Don't live off of protein powder and protein bars... while they do play a huge part in my diet... you also need more natural forms of protein... tofu, soy milk, soy beans (edamame), and if you eat eggs those are a great source of protein as well, soy cheese/ real cheese ( depending on the kind of veg head you are), beans, & peanut butter/ soynut butter! Just make sure you get some natural protein!
4. Take vitamins... again do it! This is not only because you are a vegetarian, but because vitamins are an amazing thing my friends and will keep you healthy and happy. : )
These are just some basic tips... but they are ones that I have learned from experience are extremely important.
Just remember... the animal you are eating does in fact come from a family of animals... and they do in fact have a nerve system so they feel pain. Now, I know all of you are going to hate me for this statement, but think about your pet... be it dog or cat or chinchilla or who knows what... imagine it playing with you, imagine the bad mood you can tell it's in, or when it's sick and lays on the floor just waiting for you to rub it's imagine killing it and eating it. That's what eating meat is. It does not matter what animal it is... you are killing a living, breathing, feeling animal.
Vegetarianism doesn't just give you a clean consciousness of knowing that you aren't killing your dog, but it's healthy! Stop eating fat and flesh, and join me in a lifestyle of health and a clear mind!
What a first hand encounter of abuse has taught me.

Crafty- with art and other things

The good and the complicated.
I hear that George has another woman...I'm not surprised!

The girl in the blue silk dress
I'm Just, but seriously...
The 4th kind... of nonsense.

Connection Time

The creation of a place called home

Suspending Reality
Reality Bites...
If people learn to differentiate these worlds, experience those different than theirs, and predict how people respond we could better control ourselves and come to terms with others.
These 4 types or realities are happening at the same time, which can cause confusion on part of people involved. The feeler doesn’t understand how the sensation is so disconnected ect. If people took the time to realize their realities and disconnect themselves to see others point of views, we could all understand each other better, creating a more livable and happy environment.
So, realize what type you are, and learn more about yourself and others around you. : )
P.S.>This information comes from Mann- look him up for more information or ask me for more articles.