Well, for how much I was feeling it yesterday... today I am not. I won't go into details on what happened to me, but the fact of the matter is, bad things happen. I am not alone in what happened I am just another statistic that can be added to the list. It was the scariest night of my life...but I can not even remember it and it was the scariest morning of my life.... which I will never be able to forget. My physical safety in the end was okay- which I am so thankful for. But, bad things happen and we move on.
As a human we have this brain that dwells on thoughts over and over again. But when there is nothing we can do, we just have to try to consciously stop ourselves from thinking about it and set it aside. Because today is a new day, and tomorrow an even newer one... we can not live in our pasts. This is a hard thing for me to do but I know I can. I know that tomorrow I can wake up to that beautiful mountain and a crisp room, I can run into my shower, I can dry my hair with a towel and leave it insane as always, throw on a dress and boots, and smile at the fact that I am here and have so many wonderful things ahead of me in life. I consider myself to be one of the luckiest people right now. I have the most loving and special families that anyone could ask for, two best friends that mean more to me than any friends I have ever had, the perfect boy that I fell head over heals for the first time I met even though he had a bit of an afro( which is in fact what attracted me of course :) ), and a life full of possibilities.
I am officially putting last night behind me, I will learn from it and make my apologies to people, but I will not live in my past. Tomorrow I will have a great day ( even though I have that anthropology test I need to study for.)
To those who helped me, you are amazing... and to everyone who was here for me today, thank you as well. I hope everyone had a lovely halloween.
By the way.... I saw a Christmas commercial... the holidays are among us. : )
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