Don't nobody bring me, no bad news!

Yep, you guessed it, today was shit. So shitty in fact that my title just alluded to The Wiz...that's a pretty bad day.

Now let's get one thing straight first off, I am a happy person. And I don't let things get to me, I mean, why would I? When circumstances arise that are beyond your control, why let them ruin your day? Life is far to short for that, and far to exciting! But today was not so good, I mean let the bad times roll type day.

Now again, I am not sitting here wailing and spoon feeding myself nutella or anything, I am just frustrated, and anymore bad news would really make me seriously consider ripping this desktop dell in front of me out of it's cord and hurling it across this room of crappy dell computers into all the girls who managed to look real cute today sitting near me, while I managed to look like a homeless person who rolled out of bed...or a cardboard box. Okay, bad idea, I really don't need two broken computers in my life right now, I can't even afford one.

Days like these are not meant to be spent trying to accomplish the pile of anthropology homework in front of me, they are meant to be spent in bed- hoping that tomorrow will come faster than the bill from the broken computer while hiding myself from the big bad world under my down comforter and wrapping my body around my body pillow.

So what can we do on days like these other than wish that our computers aren't broken, our rooms aren't messy, exams aren't coming up, and our bank account isn't declining at a noteworthy pace? Well, I'll tell you! We forget about it, and go do something absolutely goofy or ridiculous...because why waste a day wallowing! I am done being a's taking to much energy from me!

The best thing about life, is that we get to choose to be happy! Even on days when my macbook is broken, therefore causing the only communication I have with some important people to be ruined, I can choose to be happy! So for all of you out there having days just about as miserable as me, snap out of it!

We are only going to be happy if we choose it, so choose it already! Things will always go wrong in life! Now, I am not going to use the phrase... "things could always be worse" right here for two reasons. 1. When that is said, things do get worse. 2. Because what is happening to someone else is completely irrelevant to what someone else is feeling when something happens to them. The situations can't be compared...nor should they be!

So come on lovelies, let's be happy. : )

P.S.- Who in the world made dells so hard to use?


November 20, 2009 at 1:07 PM alaina said...

"LETS BE HAPPY" peice of advice i've read all day! Sometimes when i'm having a really crappy day I just start laughing. It always sounds depressing and totally forced at first...but i assure you after a while it just kinda...changes. you're left feeling slightly foolish but infinitly better!

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