One of the best things about life is that we all get to meet so many people and if we let them, we can learn and be affected by everyone who comes into our life. I am lucky enough to have spent my life traveling and meeting so many new people, but everyone makes new acquaintances, loves, friends, enemies possibly, teachers, and much more in every new stage of their life. Whenever we make a change we get the chance to be affected by many more new people of all kinds! How incredible is that? I for one would like to learn and be shaped by each person who enters my life, and I try to be. I mean, why wouldn't I? Everyone has so much unique knowledge to give!
Think about how many people you come into contact with on a daily basis as well, how many different people sit next to you at work or in lectures that you make small talk with. You could have the chance to learn something new from these people if only you could open yourself up. If we could open ourselves up to people other than just our close friends couldn't we learn from everyone? I have always considered myself a pretty open person... I tend to tell my life story to loads of people in a day... which may in fact be completely self centered, but I want to learn about them as well! And I know that the more I open up to a person, the more they will usually open up to me. It just drives me insane that there are so many people in this world for us to connect with even on a daily basis where we are, that we don't take the opportunity too!
Whether it is out of fear of being judged, judging people ourselves, not being bothered, or any other reason- it really is simpler than we make it out to be, talking and opening ourselves to having new people be a part of our lives! So let's try, talk to that person you make eye contact with every morning when getting coffee, talk to the person who rides the same bus as you everyday, or even the drunken frat boy who sits next to you in lectures... we should all try and connect with even more people in our lives. Imagine the things we can learn! Let's do it, lets learn from each other. It's about time we all learned from each other more often.
Let's connect my friends.

i couldn't agree more...reticence is completely self destructive. Another important thing i think is not just to be ready to open up to people but also to be a person who is ready to have people open up to them. Too many people find candid conversation awkward
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