So, something that truly fascinates me are the different realities we all live in. We all maybe be having the same conversation together but we view the situation differently and react differently according to the reality we live in. How amazing is that? I think that learning about these realities is useful for everyone. So here it goes a little anthropology lesson for you all. Enjoy.
There are personality types that have 4 different realities, but each of those can be split into the extrovert and introvert as well. So there are 8 realities going on at the same time. Woah.
1. Feeling Types: These people view time circularly and everything relates to their past. These are the people that seem so adventurous and liberal when they are young...but times moves forward and they stay in their pasts. This makes them conservative when they older because they are still stuck where they used to be. They tend to hold grudges because they can't move forward. They dislike big changes. Feelers will intensify emotions in any situation, and they would rather feel depressed than nothing. They love to feel! Feeling types tend to get down on themselves and blame themselves. But because they feel so well, it's very easy for them to see other peoples points of views in every situation, they feel for everyone. Once feelers get going on an emotion they have a very hard time getting over it and they become so consumed by the emotion they will drop obligations and loose track of time.
2. Thinking Types: Thinkers view time linear and relate things to their past but not through feeling only through logic. They see their past as affecting their future and this drives them to use logic to get where they need to go. Consistency and Continuity are extremely important to thinkers. They love to plan and stick to their plans always. Thinkers find themselves always sticking to what they believe is correct, even if the facts are against them, if they have made up their mind they will not take the opposite view into consideration- aka stubborn. They will follow logic above all- never emotion.
3. Sensation Types: These types are only concerned with living in the NOW, they don't connect to the past or the future. They will never truly believe in the unknown such as religion, they will say they do, but they never actually can. They aren't bothered by principle because they don't take time to think about it- they just do what they want. They are constantly chasing a new feeling or "sensation"- they seek a rush constantly. They are very impatient. They never think about other people and their feelings, they just don't think before they act. They are disconnected from every situation emotionally. This type will also always do what they need to do to get what they want.
4. Intuition Types: Intuitive types live in their future. They are constantly searching for that brighter perfect future which excites them. Since they live in their futures they are most likely to be psychic and guess what will happen in the future. Others see them as flighty, impractical, and unrealistic in their ways. They tend to always be changing, they bounce from idea to idea and rarely complete one. They don't have a concept of time. They are very charismatic, they convince other people to go along with their new and exciting plans, they get others to step out of their comfort zone. Often while others are trying to get used this types new idea, they will abandon it because they can't sit around waiting for others to understand. When life is moving at a normal pace or things become simply normal, intuitive types will get bored and search for a new change.
So, which type are you? Everyone is an overwhelming personality type but most people have a decent amount of two in them. We all have a tiny bit of each in us, but we are most definitely one type as well. I am overwhelmingly Intuitive but have much of the feeler in me as well. The funny thing is, I am always drawn to thinkers in my life- I just can't live like them.
If people learn to differentiate these worlds, experience those different than theirs, and predict how people respond we could better control ourselves and come to terms with others.
These 4 types or realities are happening at the same time, which can cause confusion on part of people involved. The feeler doesn’t understand how the sensation is so disconnected ect. If people took the time to realize their realities and disconnect themselves to see others point of views, we could all understand each other better, creating a more livable and happy environment.
So, realize what type you are, and learn more about yourself and others around you. : )
P.S.>This information comes from Mann- look him up for more information or ask me for more articles.
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