Happy Halloween Lovelies. : )
A year ago today I was in Flagstaff meeting with the faculty of the fashion merchandising program here at nau, driving back to Phoenix discussing with my wonderful mother just how right the mountain life was for me, eating free chipotle burritos with other people dressed almost as silly as me, walking down Mill Avenue crammed in between loads of people and asking Darth Vader to get a picture with Audrey Hepburn, playing the ultimate university student's game of beer pong, and enjoying the holiday for all it is worth. I love Halloween.
Right, so first off let's let one thing be clear. I am completely and utterly obsessed and in love with holidays. There is no two ways about it.... I am a holiday freak. And most importantly I love this holiday, all hallows eve, because it kicks off the brilliant holiday season ahead! After Halloween, my christmas heart is on- as my cousin Scotty would say. After halloween comes American Thanksgiving...playing football, laughing with family, Callum visiting : ), eating mass amounts of fresh food, and a midnight swim. Thanksgiving leads into the always amazing Christmas season which I won't even try to describe with words because it won't work, it's the best time of year. It's true everyone, I am sitting here drooling over the idea of holidays, I love them.
This year though, I have been finding it hard to get amped about Halloween as I normally am. With everything going on in my life I haven't thought about costumes, or parties, or plans really, there has been so much other stuff to focus on. But today, I feel it. This is going to be a spectacular Halloween, one for the books. Because the fact is, it really doesn't matter what you dress up as, or how much sugar you consume, or the fact that you consumed so much sugar you want to vomit miniature snickers out for hours, it's Halloween and we all deserve to have the time of our lives. That is what the holidays are for!
The holidays are all about bliss and being around people you feel wonderful with and that you make feel glorious as well! So, I hope everyone has a magical halloween no matter what their plans are.... be it staying in and enjoying horror films or dancing the night away at a raging party. Just no matter what, have a very happy Hallowen!
Welcome to the holiday season everyone... this is only the beginning. : )