Smile Watch

For those of you who know me extremely well, you probably know about my secret pass time I have been partaking in since I was very young: smile watching. Although I suppose it isn't so much watching someone smile as it is watching someone come out of a smile. Either way it is the most brilliant thing to watch, and I think I have finally figured out why it fascinates me so much.

Now first let me preface this with, I have seen some ridiculously awkward coming out of smiles before. And I enjoy this almost as much as what I am about to describe today. That look on someone's face that says, I have no idea if it's okay to stop laughing right now or how do I stop looking like a smiling baboon. But past those silly times I have seen something so legitimately human and rare.

When People come out of smiles there is something so lovely that happens, after the lit up eyes and wrinkled smile lines and true laughter comes the natural expression of content. It's only there for a second a simple look and then we move on to looking questioning or smiling again or getting upset. But for a rare second all that is on our faces, is a look of content. It only makes sense that this would happen naturally after coming out of a joyous face. But think for a second, how often is it that a person has the warming sensation of content?

As people, we naturally are searching for the brighter future or focusing on our tormented past, but what about being content with where we are right now? I am very guilty of living in my past and future, but I try to consciously stop myself from living that way. I think it's sad that we are rarely content with what we have. We force ourselves to believe that bigger or newer things will miraculously make our lives better. But this just isn't so. No matter where we are in life, we are going to want more. But what if we all tried to stop ourselves from thinking like this?

If we all learned to recognize when we were doubting our presents just because of what lies behind or ahead, maybe society could have some major changes. If we learned how to deal with our problems in the now and be content maybe divorce rates would go down, possibly less cheating and stealing would occur, and possibly people would be more natural more often instead of trying to be something which will make their lives seem of greater importance. Watching someone have a glimpse of content gives me a glimpse of how wonderful human life is. We have the capability and right to be happy no matter where we are in life, I truly believe happiness is a mindset.

Now I am in no way saying, don't chase your dreams. I am just wondering if we could all be content while going after what we want on the entire ride of life. I am trying very hard to do this in my life, to be content for the journey. I challenge you to attempt this with me.

So next time you catch someone smiling, look for that slight instant after the smile, and watch how perfect that look of content is. It's time we all were content more often.


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